Raven 1 Vulnhub Walkthrough
Reconnaissance Let’s find the machine’s IP using netdiscover. The following command is to find an IP address in the range of subnet and CIDR 24 using the ethernet network interface. In my case, the vulnerable machine is at sudo netdiscover -i eth0 -r As usual, I scanned...
ICA 1 Vunlhub Walkthrough
Reconnaissance As usual, I initially find the machine IP using netdiscover sudo netdiscover -i eth0 -r The next step is to scan the network. I scanned all possible open ports using aggressive mode. There are four open ports which represent four services, including ssh, apache, mysql, and mysqlx. sudo...
Firebase database takeover
Jom kita tengok Firebase! “Firebase ? Pangkalan api ke?“ Tanya Pak Samad sambil menggaru-garu kepala di hadapan Abang Kiro. “Mende apa ni mat ? Tiktok viral baru ke ?“ Tambah Pak Samad. Lalu Abang Kiro menjawab, “ Bukann laa Pakcik, ni pangkalan data dalam aplikasi. “ “Oh apo bondo ni...