Boot2root: SanityCheck
Hi! The information security community in Malaysia is really active right now as there are many cyber security events being held, including security conferences, security exhibitions, and CTF competitions. Yesterday, I joined the largest Malaysia Capture the Flag competition, known as Wargames Malaysia 2022. Participants can compete in different categories, such as the student category and the professional category. I joined as a student, under the name “St4ckBuff3r.” I don’t want to talk much, so let’s take a look at the challenges that I was able to solve.
Boot2root: Sanity Check
This challenge is not really a challenge, as stated in the description. This challenge is only to introduce a boot2root category.
As you can see below, there is guidelines which told us where to find a user and root flag.
Without thinking much, I logged in remote ssh as user and find a flag.